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North Irish Channel Honour Roll

north channel honour roll map

Swim The North Channel With Infinity Channel Swimming

TorpedoTom Courtesy of WOWSA, Huntington Beach, California.

Tom Blower of Great Britain was inducted in the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame in 1964 as an Honour Swimmer. In 1947, Blower, whose nickname was Torpedo Tom, became the first man to swim the Irish Channel from Donghadee, Ireland to Portpatrick, Scotland in 15 hours 31 minutes.

Oceans Seven

Original Triple Crown 

Irish Triple Crown 

Important Links

First Swimmers to have Represented their Country

Solo North Irish Channel Swimmers

North Irish Channel Record Holders

Relay Team North Irish Channel Swims

North Irish Channel SUB 10 CLUB

North Irish Channel 20+ Hours CLUB

North Channel Families

Original Triple Crown

Oceans Seven

Irish Triple Crown

On the Double

Portpatrick Harbour