
infinity Group Websites

David Conradie
Dee from the sea

Dee from the Sea

infinity Channel Swimming introduce Galwegian Dee Newell a member of Atlantic Masters, a channel swimmer, an Iron Woman, an ice swimmer and with many other accolades an all-round amazing lady.  ‘DEE FROM THE SEA’ will offer regular blogs on channel swimming preparation, swim sets, physical and mental preparation for extreme events and the often undisclosed

2018 2018 Battle of Carlingford Lough Swim                   History in the making.… Results from previous years

The North Irish Channel The Dál Riata Channel The Oa Channel The Isle of Man Channel Port Oriel Many Many options available email Pádraig at infinitychannelcrossings@gmail.com 2020 swim windows are now available    

It’s almost time for HITtheWALL 2018 Check out what’s in store   

North Channel 3 crossing

There is no time like NOW Plan for 2019 and beyond if your goal is to swim the North Irish Channel, Isle of Man Channel, Dál Riata Channel, Oa Channel & Irish Sea We know the amount of training and planning it takes to swim the North Channel as we not only have piloted swimmers across to