First of all I didn’t know what to expect when I booked Hit the Wall but as the event loomed I was struggling to get swims under my belt that was anywhere near the temperature of Carlingford lough.
That was my major concern.
I’ve only been open water swimming for two seasons before I booked HTW and only one season without the wetsuit, before that I swam 1 mile every Sunday.
I loved everything about it, the first swim night with the fire walk was just right to start with, but the warm up was so funny. The inspirational speaker was excellent,amazing!!! I still think about what she spoke about.
I could go on and on about the other activities and swims but you won’t get any negatively from me because it was great.
Jacqueline was amazing and I think I could swim any distance with her on my boat.
I filled it a questioner about HTW and it asked what other activity could be included, my answer was maybe a team event?? Because I met so many amazing swimmers at HTW it would of been nice to talk to more of them.
You are doing a great job and I’m so glad I came to Ireland 🇮🇪 and in the end the water temperature wasn’t an issue
and I know now what to expect in regards how my mind works when I’ve Hit the Wall and not to believe it.
Since HTW I’ve been working on my swimming and now believe I’m swimming the best I have since taking off the wetsuit.
I’ve booked a hotel already for 2019 but I’d like to stay with the swimmers if possible?
I’ll book the event next month (the link didn’t work from the email, I think it’s a Apple problem)
All the best