Like millions of events this year, the annual ‘Milo Dip’ on New Years’ morning at Camlough Lake has been called off due to the new lockdown restrictions. So we diversified and reinvented it to The Milo Ice Bucket Challenge a rendition of that which took the social media platforms by storm in mid-2000s.
Milo, Pádraig, and Jacqueline take the ice bucket challenge here: Click to view [see our LIVE nominations] to get the ball rolling for The Milo Ice Bucket Challenge for Southern Area Hospice Services and stretch out our hands of friendship to the infinity family across the globe: home and away.
Milo nominates:
HOME: David McCourt
AWAY: Colleen Mallon
Pádraig nominates:
HOME: Keith Garry
AWAY: Lynton Mortensen
Jacqueline nominates:
HOME: Stephanie Lyness
AWAY: Amy Appelhans Gubser
How to get involved:
1. DONATE: Click here to Donate
Raising funds for Southern Area Hospice Services following the recent passing of the beautiful Eileen McCourt Aunt of Pádraig and sister in Law of Milo.
Take the challenge yourself and then nominate2 people: one person at home one person abroad.
3. Post your ice bucket v-log to this page: Click here
Southern Area Hospice Services St John Hospice helping so so many.
#infinity #Mastermilo #icebucketchallenge #southernareahospiceservices #lookafteryou #pancreaticcancerawareness #justgiving #DonateNominate #teachtrainchallengerace #H20PLAY #ifitsnotfunwerenotplaying # capturethemomentcreatethememor y #everydayjewels #iceicebaby #uppadunkers #stayathome #nhs