Padraig and Jacqueline,
Throughout the entire preparation for my north channel attempt the infinity team were a constant source of encouragement, offering helpful advice and useful information born from direct experience of open water swimming at the highest levels. Padraig and his crew were always on hand to help work around mother nature to ensure I had the best shot at a successful crossing. Their email and phone communication right up to the day itself helped me tailor the logistics of arriving in Ireland without too much disturbance to my usual schedule. It’s totally clear all of the infinity staff care about each swimmer’s individual build up and their chance of success. On the crossing itself they helpfully provided two crew support members in addition to the family I had with me. Undoubtedly their energy passion and determination helped get me to portpatrick. It’s a shame they don’t offer to pilot each of the seven oceans swims. I would definitely sign up with them for each one if they did!. I came to them as a stranger but definitely now consider them all friends.
Best Jonathan