I hit the walllllll
The valley was split by the roar of welfare.
A second before entering the water I had to release the demons
If I knew it was a creature like that echoed
I most definitely would have been
Shut up.
This amazing and intense boot camp
Getting clean for his big challenge
To be called
Hit it against the wall.
Hit the wall
Anyone who wants to swim live long
Choosing between 6 hours and 10 hours
From the first moment i got here
I been wanting for 10 hours
But who could even imagine
10 hours at 13.4 degrees
Alon Kork told me that I need it.
Prepare yourself for the possibility
That the northern canal will take me at least 15 hours.
During the days that passed by
And as the camp progressed
That I can.
The admins Patrick and Jacklyn
They just lifted me up like they’ve never been lifted up before.
To my fears
And for my lack of understanding sometimes the language
They have made me feel at home
I won .
At 6 am I jumped into the cold water
With the clear knowledge that I am going
To do it.
The ointment I dedicate to my father who was exactly yesterday.
It’s been 3 years since he left and he’s present in every inch of my Avishag
And to the Kaufman family girls Turk the animals and kicks Avivi Liori and mother Ruthi thank you for what you are for
And thank you to Itai Orenstein for helping me so much behind the scenes
“To get up every morning”
And step out into life
And try everything before it’s over
To search where we came from
And come back at the end always to the beginning.
Find more beauty in everything
And dance until you fall tired.
Or love
From all the moments in time
Find one to hold onto
To say that we have arrived
Always remember to stop for a moment
And be thankful for what we have and where we came from before the Raichel era ends
#שחיה #מיםפתוחים #openwatrrswimming
@aviv.turek @lior_truek @infinitychanne3