Swimmer | Country | Time | Dates | |||
Colleen Mallon | Ireland | 05:22:32 | 21/06/2014 | 1st Female | Fastest Overall | Fastest Female |
Pádraig Mallon | Ireland | 06:57:01 | 21/06/2014 | 1st Male | ||
Keith Garry | Ireland | 06:16:55 | 1/07/2014 | 2nd Male | Fastest Male | |
Sophie Ryan | Ireland | 07:09:56 | 06/09/2020 | 2nd Female | ||
Abi McNamara | Ireland | 08:23:51 | 12/07/2022 | 3rd Female | Youngest (Age 16) | |
Na Snamhoiri Oga, Abi McNamara, James Muckian, Joshua Muckian | Ireland | 07:40:48 | 25/08/2021 | |||
Holly Monson | Ireland | 06:39:45 | 03/09/2024 | 4th Female |
21st June, 2014
At 0516hrs on Midsummers day under a rising sun brother and sister duo Pádraig and Colleen Mallon set of in the 13C waters of The Irish Sea (Muir Éireann) to complete the Port Oriel Swim.
This is a newly navigated course for 2014 by infinity Channel Swimming, starting at Gyles Quay finishing at Port Oriel, Clougherhead Co.Louth a distance of 20K. This swim qualified Colleen Mallon for her North Channel Crossing.
Crew: Alex Engle, Jacqueline McClelland, Oonagh Garry, Aoiffe Lynch, Milo McCourt and Jennifer Boyle
Medic: Chris Cooke
Pilots: Martin McCone and Shane Reenan
Thank you to the Irish Coast Guard and to Port Oriel Marina for their hospitality.
1st July, 2014
With choppy conditions Keith Garry completed the Port Oriel Crossing to become the fastest male 6:16:55 using this as his qualification swim for his English Channel crossing.
Crew: Oonagh Garry
Pilot: Pádraig Mallon
6th September, 2020
Sophie Ryan successfully swam from Gyles Quay to Port Oriel, Clogher Head, Co.Louth on the 6th September 2020.
The details were as follows:
Swim Date: 6th September 2020
Swim Time: 7 hrs 9 mins 56 secs
Swim Distance: 20.75 km
Start Coordinates: 53° 59.064' N, 006° 14.394' W
Finish Coordinates: 53° 47.967' N, 006° 13.404' W
Skipper: Shane Reenan
Crew: Claire Ryan
12th July, 2022
Someday I will swim that
Abi @abi.mc05 was not tall enough yet to see over the wall of the lookout. At around seven-years-old she got some rollerskates for her birthday and while out skating with her dad she realised that she could see over the wall to what revealed a huge body of water. She said then to her Dad William someday I will swim across that !
Abi saw her future and set about making the dream a reality.
Lots of pool sessions and training accumulated in Abi making her first appearance at an open water swim ‘Rock around a point’ at the age of 13. From this she went on to develop her passion for open water swimming participating in various other Open Water events with Leinster swim series and other event hosts throughout Ireland.
During lockdown Abi continued to swim in the bay beside her home visualising her dream. In May 2022 Abi attended infinity’s HITtheWALL weekend becoming the youngest person to complete a six hour qualification swim in average 14c waters.
The date window for her ‘Port Oriel swim’ was set and various open water swimming friends provided advice and support all willing and wanting Abi to complete this challenge. Abi raising funds for Clougherhead RNLI.
With changing weather systems and as with any long distance swim the date window you commit to requires patience. Waiting requires patience - kind of ready to go but the sandwiches need made and the flasks filled when the call comes !
On 11th July whilst spending time with friends Abi got her call and boyzo was she ready.
On the 12th of July 2022 Abi age 16 walked down the slip at Gyles Quay and set forth to achieve her dream to swim across the bay she saw first at age 7, 8 hours and 23 minutes later she walked up the slip at Clougherhead to a roaring crowd who came to celebrate with her.
Port Oriel Swim
Abi McNamara
Start time 08:00 Finish Time 16:23:51
Total time 8:23:51
Distance swam 27.5K
Escort infinity Channel Swimming
Congratulations Abi from all the infinity Crew and all infinity friends all over the globe.
Submitted to ILDSA for ratification.
Want to swim this swim? Contact us