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The Original Triple Crown

THE ORIGINAL TRIPLE CROWN is three channels the North Channel, English Channel, and Bristol Channel.

The original Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming is a marathon swimming challenge consisting of three historically important swims:

The less known Original Triple Crown was first completed in 1971 some 16 years before the better known Triple Crown [which comprises The English Channel, the Catalina Channel and the Manhattan Island swim (20 Bridges in later years)].


  • The Bristol Channel must start or finish west of the River Ogmore AND /ALSO must start / finish in North Devon or West of.
  • Other routes will be considered as qualifying if the route is continuously swam and the total distance exceeds 27K at Lowest Astronomical Tide [LAT].
  • The North Channel within Admirality chart 2198 between Ireland and Scotland.
  • The English Channel as per English Channel rules.

Undoubtably, The Original Triple Crown is a most prestigious title and maintains its qualifying criteria in honour of the first finisher Kevin Murphy.

Route for Bristol Channel

Route for Bristol Channel

Honour Roll

Year Name English Channel North Channel Bristol Channel
Date Time Date Time Date Time
1971 Kevin Murphy
(First Male)
1968 15:55:00 1970 11:21:00 1971 13:54:00
17/07/1975 Ted Keenan 13/08/1972 18:11:00 11/08/1973 18:27:00 17/07/1975 14:26:00
21/07/2000 Stephen Price 18/08/1987 15:04:00 21/07/2000 16:56:00 28/09/1991 15:43:00
10/07/2022 Siân Clement
(First Female)
01/07/2009 12:48:00 10/07/2022 12:45:00 23/07/2016 14:01:00
21/07/2022 Elaine Burrows Dillane 10/09/2019 12:45:00 21/07/2021 14:54:30 21/07/2022 12:52:00
10/08/2022 Sarah Philpott 14/09/2020 13:48:00 10/08/2022 16:21:54 22/06/2022 12:21:00
20/09/2022 Fergal Somerville 23/09/2011 12:21:00 16/06/2013 12:21:00 20/09/2022 15:35:00
19/09/2022 Martyn Webster 25/08/2016 11:42:00 13/08/2019 11:12:30 19/09/2022 09:10:00
19/09/2022 Pat Gallant-Charette 22/08/2011 15:57:00 24/08/2016 14:22:00 19/09/2022 12:55:49
29/06/2023 Lee Johnson 17/09/2021 16:11:00 22/06/2022 13:34:00 29/06/2023 11:43:00
24/07/2023 Paul Georgescu 14/09/2016 13:36:00 25/08/2022 11:07:03 24/07/2023 10:55:36
09/08/2023 Dina Levačić 17/09/2017 11:42:00 21/08/2022 10:26:58 09/08/2023 09:51:42
23/08/2023 Graham Lock 30/07/2016 12:58:00 25/08/2022 14:16:00 23/08/2023 10:26:00
23/08/2023 Elizabeth Fry 20/08/2003 09:05:00 25/08/2019 11:13:11 23/08/2023 09:24:10
24/08/2023 Barry Murphy 05/07/2019 11:52:00 10/07/2022 13:53:54 24/08/2023 10:17:00
07/09/2023 Andrew Keay 23/07/2019 15:10:00 10/07/2022 14:30:12 07/09/2023 14:27:05
09/09/2023 Dave Berry 03/10/2022 12:35:00 09/09/2023 12:32:01 24/08/2023 10:15:00
30/07/2024 Rocío Mora 23/06/2022 11:04:00 30/07/2024 10:48:42 08/09/2023 10:10:00