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HITtheWALL Waiver

I confirm that:
I will only take part in the event once I am able to complete the event distance continuously and unaided on or before the date of the event.
I am aware there is not 1:1 kayak / safety cover
I am aware of my own limitations and take full responsibility for any additional support required.
I am fit and have no medical issues that will affect my ability to complete the event.
I am aware of the risks of open water swimming, triathlons and similar events and like all sports it carries the risk of injury, paralysis or death.
I am entering the event of my own free will.
I hereby agree to keep Infinity Channel Swimming and Piloting services and its officials, rescue crews and all sponsors free from any loss or legal claim however caused by my participation in the event or by my participation in any of the other Infinity Channel Swimming and Piloting services events.

Full Terms

Event Safety:
I confirm that I will:
Comply with all instructions given to me by officials and rescue crews.
Attend the race briefing prior to event start. Failure to attend a safety briefing will lead to disqualification and refusal of entry to the start of the event.
Leave the event / water and retire if I exceed the cut off time.
Retire if requested to do so by officials or rescue crews.
If I withdraw from the event before or during the event start I will notify officials.
Follow all event safety directions and general rules.
Ensure I have correct attire and equipment.


Withdrawing from an event:
Swimming – Turn on your back and raise your hand. Get the attention of other swimmers or the closest rescue cover and signal them for help.


Participants will not be allowed to enter or start the event:
If Race organisers and officials feel you are not competent for the event
You are suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
You are a liability to yourself or others.


Tow aids are permitted (similar to the Chill Swim products) No paddles, flippers or devices that will assist performance including buoyancy or life jackets are permitted.
Wetsuits may be worn but must good fitting
MP3 devices should not be worn
Nose clips / ear protection are permitted
Minimum grease can be worn to prevent chaffing


Swimming Race Rules
When competing in swim events the Swim Ireland rules and code of conduct apply.
Event Director judgements are final


Special Requirements
We welcome participants of all abilities. If you have any specific needs, it is essential that you contact the event organiser in advance so we can best assist where possible.


Loss and Liability
I am aware of the risks of open water swimming, triathlons and similar events and like all sports it carries the risk of injury, paralysis or death. I am entering the event of my own free will. I hereby agree to keep Infinity Channel Swimming and Piloting services and its officials, rescue crews and all sponsors free from any loss or legal claim however caused by my participation in the event or by my participation in any of the other infinity Channel Swimming Ltd and Piloting services events.


I understand that due to the nature of outdoor events any of the listed events by Infinity Channel Swimming and Piloting services may be relocated/postponed/cancelled prior to and on the day of the event due to unforeseen circumstances (including bad weather conditions or unsuitable water quality).


I authorise the event organisers to use my photograph or digital images for publicity and media purposes.


Guardian consent for minors
The Event Organisers allow competitors under the age of 17 ("a minor") to compete in the Event with the consent of their parent or guardian.
Parents or Guardians must however be aware that Open Water Swimming and is much more physically demanding than pool swimming and competitors face different risks and hazards, including but not limited to, the effects of long periods in cold water. Parents or Guardians should exercise caution in supporting their minor child's wish to swim in the Event.
Parents or Guardian should talk to their minor child's swim club coach and their family doctor before giving consent by signing this form.
Parents and Guardians must evaluate conditions at the Event to consider if it is suitable for their minor child to swim.
Where a parent or guardian has a doubt after evaluating conditions at the Event, they should not allow their minor child to swim in the Event.
Conditions which may be suitable for adults may not be suitable for your minor child.
I as a parent / guardian am aware of the risks of open water swimming and I allow my minor child to participate in the Event. My child is entering the Event of their own free will and with my consent and I hereby agree to keep infinity Channel Swimming Ltd and Piloting services , its organisers, rescue crews and any sponsors free from any legal claim however caused by my child's participation in the Event. I confirm that my child will compete in the Event and the Event Races under the same terms and conditions as adult swimmers.