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HITtheWALL 2024

Welcome to HITtheWALL 8

WOW 8 years of FUN and cold water, nourished with sunshine and laughter in Carlingford Lough in the beautiful Emerald Isle.

We beam with pride when we see the successes which have ensued for HITtheWALL ‘graduates’ over the previous years. Look at you now ! Oceans, lakes and rivers aplenty to talk about, how HITtheWALL helped you learn about your swim ability, your body’s way of coping with the cold, nutritional errors and amendments,  the importance of yoga and flexibility and mindset and  race day planning with a  PLAN B or C or D should all previous ones HITtheWALL. We learn all the time and when it comes to channel swimming we know a thing or two.  Tidal push and pull necessitates hard grind.

For 2024 we are changing the game plan slightly with increased distance and the onus on you to swim it BUT we are still maintaining the same great craic.

HITtheWALL returnees welcome! Freshers Welcome and what to expect ? well let’s just say the water will be fresh and you will have fun.

See you in on and around the water !

HITtheWALL 8 | 2024


HITtheWALL 8  24-27th May 2024


 Friday 24th May, 2024

05:30pm                   Registration

06:00 - 7:00pm        Q&A Session

07:00 - 8:00pm        infinity Swimmers Yoga

Venue                       Foy Centre, Carlingford 54°02'13.5"N 6°11'02.2"W

08:30 pm                   Registration

09:00 – 10:30 pm     Swim

Venue                        Carlingford Pier, Carlingford  54°02'35.1"N 6°10'55.0"W

 Saturday 25th May, 2024

07:15 am                  Registration

07:30 – 08:30 am    Swimmers Yoga

Venue                        Foy Centre, Carlingford 54°02'13.5"N 6°11'02.2"W

09:00 am                             Swim registration

10:00 am – 12:00 pm        Swim

Venue                                  Carlingford Pier, Carlingford  54°02'35.1"N 6°10'55.0"W

Finish is Omeath Foreshore  54°05'21.1"N 6°15'24.5"W

Kit bags will be brought to Omeath, rest and polish your armour for Battle

11:30 am             Swim registration

01:00 pm              Swim Start Omeath

Swim distance    7.5K

Venue                   Omeath Foreshore  54°05'21.1"N 6°15'24.5"W

Finish is Carlingford Pier, Carlingford  54°02'35.1"N 6°10'55.0"W

Kit bags will be brought to Carlingford Pier

Can be used as a qualification swim if 2+ hours

07:30pm – 9:30pm      Granvue Omeath

 Sunday 26th May, 2024

07:15 am                     Registration

07:30 – 08:30 am       Swimmers Yoga

Venue                          Foy Centre, Carlingford  54°02'13.5"N 6°11'02.2"W

09:15 am          Swim registration
10:15 am           8K
Cut-off Time    3 Hours

01:15 pm            Swim registration
02:15 pm            5K
Cut-off Time     2 Hours

04:15 pm            Swim registration
05:15 pm            2K
Cut-off Time     1 Hour

Venue                  Carlingford Pier, Carlingford  54°02'35.1"N 6°10'55.0"W

*Podium for fastest accumulated times over all 3 swims

 Monday 27th May, 2024

01:30 am           Swim registration {and no it is not a typo}

02:30 am           10 Hour swim start

Venue                 Carlingford Pier, Carlingford  54°02'35.1"N 6°10'55.0"W

05:30 am            Swim registration {and no it is not a typo}

06:30 am            6 Hour swim start

Venue                 Carlingford Pier, Carlingford  54°02'35.1"N 6°10'55.0"W

All finished by 12:30pm

Kit bags will be at finish line

01.30 pm            Granvue Omeath

Register For HITtheWALL

Register for Battle of Carlingford Lough


HITtheWALL is based in Carlingford Co.Louth
The village has lots of Air B&B, B&B, and hotel options

A few link outs:

McKevitts Hotel
The Four Seasons
Wildwood Lodge
Grove House

Find plenty of accommodation options on the websites below:

Trip Advisor
Carlingford & Cooley Peninsula
Discover Carlingford
Carlingford Getaways

Accommodations in other areas:

Omeath, Newry and Dundalk are all within commutable distance to HITtheWALL
The Granvue Hotel,  The Carrickdale Hotel, Mourne Country Hotel are a few options

*As accommodation is limited we would recommend booking sooner rather than later

Further Information on HIT the WALL

You will register for each swim at our infinity HQ registration
You will have a swim number for the entire weekend

For each swim pack warm clothing and hot drink for after

  • Swimmers yoga
  • Light loose layers of clothing
  • A drink and a towel


A – B swims
infinity Crew will bring your kit bag to the finish line

10Hr and 6 Hr swim sign up

  • Sign up sheets available at each registration please put your name on the dotted line for your chosen swim !
  • Distance swam: we will ask for a record your distance swam so make sure your swim watch is charged


HITtheWALL Banner
So many names here be sure to sign yours.

Chip timing
Battle of Carlingford Lough and Champion of Champions swim will be chipped

Venue TBC

Tag us @infintiychanne3
Follow us on Instagram @infittychanne3
Facebook infinity Channel Swimming
Website: www.infinitychannelswimming.com
Email infinitychannelcrossings@gmail.com

We will update our socials and event page

Go live daily
Plan for day
Summary of the day
Plan for the next day


Mates rates:
If you have a channel swim booked with infinity we have a 20% discount code available Contact Jacqueline



