Whilst out Carlingford Lough infinity crew Nicky Donnelly came upon a gentleman who was in need of immediate rescue at sea. He was sitting on CLC buoy 22. He had been there for approximately two hours or more in only swim shorts having decided to go for a swim to the Gannaway Rock from Warrenpoint beach. Conditions at sea on that day were not suitable for water activity. With offshore winds and an outgoing tide the gentleman got into difficulties and was blown out into the shipping channel. Fortunately he caught hold of the channel marker and clambered to the top it until he was spotted by Nicky.
Nicky rescued the gentleman and took him on board vessel APEIRO providing first aid assistance and brought him to Warrenpoint Town Dock. Warrenpoint Harbour Authority, Michael Young Harbour Master, Belfast HM Coast Guard and PSNI were notified.
The gentleman is recovering well.
infinity are thankful to all the support services who assisted.
Whilst we all commend Nicky’s quick actions and rescue of this gentleman we would like to use this opportunity to highlight strongly again and again the importance of water safety with @RNLI and @HMCoastguard and @RLSS publishing sound and regularly updated advice which should be followed.
Safety Spotlight – Sea Swimming and Cold Water Shock
infinity Channel Swimming
Warrenpoint Harbour Warrenpoint Carlingford Lough and The Cooley Peninsula Warrenpoint.ie The Newry Reporter The Newry Democrat
#safetyfirst #floattolive #respectthewater #inonandaroundthewater