2016 ILDSA North Channel rules update
For more information on updates click this link.
The North Channel Swim Application process with Infinity Channel Swimming
How To Apply To Swim The North Channel
As a North Channel solo swimmer or relay team lead you will need to
1. Fully read and understand the ILDSA NORTH CHANNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS
2. Book your North Channel swim slot with us at ‘Infinity Piloting Services’ and have received from us confirmation of your swim slot date and contract.
3.Register your Interest with ILDSA by completing their online Application Form, available via www.northchannel.info with your deposit (£100), by the 01 May in the year of your swim.
4. Finalise your application, by submitting the signed ILDSA’s Medical Form, Qualifying Criteria Swim Evidence and pay the balance due to them by 01 June in the year of your swim. Late applications will not be processed by the ILDSA.